Brunswick Hope VI Memorial Homes
Demolition and Neighborhood Revitalization
Brunswick, NJ
Adler Engineers, Inc. was selected by the City of New
Brunswick Housing Authority and The Community Builders,
Inc., of Philadelphia, PA, to provide engineering,
surveying, planning, and environmental services
associated with the demolition of four (4) existing
apartment buildings and the redevelopment of the 4.75
ac.+/- block known as the Memorial Homes.
The project, to be supported by Hope IV funding,
consists the demolition of four (4) nine story Housing
Authority residential towers and the construction of 76
single-family units, comprised town homes and single
story handicap accessible flats, a community building,
maintenance building, new roadway and utility
infrastructure, and the creation of active and passive
recreation space.
For the demolition phase of the project, Adler provided the
following services:
Demolition specifications for the implosion of the towers.
Environmental assessment and specifications for abatement of
hazardous materials (including asbestos, ash,
underground storage tanks, and lead based paint).
Site and utility survey
Coordination meetings with City/State/residents.
Monitoring of abatement/ remediation (*received
violation-free OSHA inspection)
Oversight of demolition activities
Compaction testing & monitor
For the redevelopment phase, Adler provided the following
Full civil/site engineering design
Roadway/infrastructure design
Grading/Drainage/Lighting/Land-scaping/Soil Erosion
Permitting/NJDEP approvals
Construction was started in June 2002.

Hope VI Neighborhood Revitalization- New
Brunswick Homes- New Brunswick, NJ
ADLER was selected by the City of New Brunswick and The
Community Builders, Inc., of Philadelphia, PA, to
provide engineering, surveying, planning, and
environmental services associated with the redevelopment
of three (3) neighborhood areas in what is known as the
Lower George Street region.
The project, to be supported by Hope IV funding,
consists of multiple phases of planning, design, and
construction of new residential dwellings and retail
Phase I consists of single-family town homes, twin and
triplex style homes, residential apartments over retail
space, new infrastructure, and the renovation of
existing residential and commercial structures.
The primary objective in planning this project
was to orient the redevelopment along George Street to
compliment and enhance the existing neighborhood,
provide a non-discrete housing area, develop a link
between the former residential and commercial areas, and
encourage the establishment of new businesses along the
George Street corridor.
Through numerous meetings with the client, City
Officials, the design team, the Housing Authority, the
residents, and steering committees, ADLER
developed an overall revitalization plan for the Lower
George Street Region identifying key areas for both
current and future redevelopment, re-zoning issues, and
the creation of recreational areas.
In this evaluation and planning effort, ADLER
performed field surveys, environmental investigations
and studies, and prepared conceptual development plans.
Following meetings and input from the City,
Housing Authority, and the local residents, ADLER
incorporated review comments and developed final design
and construction documentation for the first phase of
construction, which consisted of 61 residential units
and 9 commercial units.
During the design development stage, ADLER
submitted applications and obtained necessary approvals
and permits for the site improvements.
Currently, ADLER is providing construction
observations, administrative support, and stake-out
services to the client.
The construction of this first phase is
anticipated to be complete by December 2002.
Carpenter Hill, 32nd and High
Streets, Camden, NJ
was selected by the Saint Joseph’s Carpenters Society
to provide planning and engineering services associated
with the redevelopment of three residential blocks in
the eastern portion of Camden, NJ on 32nd
Street. Carpenter
Hill, as the new subdivision is named, is one of the
largest residential undertakings in Camden in the
previous 20 years and will serve as a relocation
neighborhood for residents of Westfield Acres, an
adjacent housing authority facility that is scheduled
for demolition. In
planning this neighborhood, several factors revealed by
the residents and the City guided and directed the
redevelopment plan, including security, lighting,
infrastructure failure, architecture, streetscape, and
the need for a community center.
Utilizing this input and guidance, ADLER
prepared a redevelopment plan consisting of 50 twin
style residential units to compliment the existing
neighborhood architecture, utility and infrastructure
improvements, and a streetscape plan (lighting and
landscaping) designed to provide a sense of security,
openness, and aesthetics.
ADLER investigated the infrastructure
failure noted by the residents and identified the need
for replacement and upgrade of the local storm water
conveyance system to drastically reduce a flooding
condition present on the adjacent properties.
In a planning analysis, ADLER further
determined that the reduction of this condition was
critical to the feasibility of this project and the
redevelopment of this portion of Camden.
ADLER developed this redevelopment plan
into design/construction documentation, obtained local
and county approvals, and is currently working through
construction administrative services.
W. Jersey Renewal-10th &
Everett Street Homes, Camden, NJ
ADLER was retained by the Saint Joseph’s Carpenters
Society and West Jersey Renewal to redevelop a parcels
located on the corner of 10th and Everett
Streets in Camden, NJ, as part of West Jersey
Hospital’s effort to improve and revitalize its
surrounding neighborhood. This
project consisted of the redevelopment of five (5)
units, two new twin-style dwellings and the
rehabilitation of an existing unit.
ADLER completed preliminary and final site
development plans for the approval by the City and
County Planning Boards and the West Jersey Renewal
ADLER provided numerous services,
including, survey, site development plans, subdivision
plan, alley vacation, grading & drainage designs,
and utility designs.